

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Housing Depression

How bad are things in the housing markets?  As I have said before, it is going to get alot worse before it gets better.  But even now, people are calling it housing depression. 
Here is a quote from WSJ:
That light at the end of the housing meltdown tunnel appears to be an oncoming train… Problems in the West are the greatest and the sales rate in that area is off by 33% over the year. That is on beyond recession and into the depression stage. Sales in October were down in the Midwest but flat in the Northeast and South. The big problem is inventory. We have nearly as many homes on the market as the annualized sales pace. If no more listings appeared, it would take nearly eleven months to clear out the inventory. That's about 2½ times as many homes as we should have. –Naroff Economic Advisors
Yeah, it's ugly.  But that's great for the Stock market because we can expect another rate cut.


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