

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Home Sales in Fall 48%

New home sales in January fell 48.2% from January 2008.  This is the slowest rate Census Bureau has recorded.

Seasonally adjusted, there were 309K new homes sold compared to 597K last year.  With the jobs report like the one this morning, it's going to be harder for families to buy a new home.

Meanwhile, the inventory for new homes rose to a record 13.3 monts from 12.2 months last month and 9.8 months in January 2008. 

It's getting worse for the housing market.  But it's better to let the market find the equilibrium rather than have the government intervene and try to prop up the market artificially.  Affordability is the key to solving the housing crises and we still have a long way to go before we stabalize.


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