

Monday, August 4, 2008


Here is Nouriel Roubini in a Barron's Magazine interview.  It is a must see for those who think we are closer to the end of our troubles. 

 We have heard CEOs of financial companies telling us we are in the ninth inning.  We've got Jim Cramers of the world telling us, as recently as last week, the worst of the crisis is over.

 Prof. Roubini crashes their party.

 Some highlights from the video:

 "Very Accurate Prophet of Doom"

We are in the 2nd Innings of a very long protracted game..."sever recession"... Eye of Strom...Worst ahead of us

On the Fed - ...Running out of bullets.

On the deficit - ...financed by arch-rivals China, Russia, etc.

On USA... US looks like a great empire in decline....US is a net borrower...Debt is $2.5 trilliion, bigget in the world.

What's our country going to look like? It's going to be a difficult period....



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